
- Research
- Education
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- Research
- Education
Global Health & Ageing
Tile Archaeology
- Research
- Education
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- Research
- Education
Global Health & Ageing
Tile Archaeology
Anthropology and Ethnography in Global Health
MPH, MSc and Ph.D
Nagasaki University School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health
Doctoral Supervision - TMGH and Joint Degree (with LSHTM)
- Ryuji YOSHINO 吉野龍史 [0ct. 2021-]
- Research Title "TheImpairment of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and the Challenges of theLong-Term Care (LTC) for the Older Person in Rural Kenya: A Mix Method Study
- Hana TOMOI 友居葉奈 [0ct. 2021-]
- Research Title "UnderstandingDetermining Factors of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Behaviour in Japan: A
Literature Review and a Qualitative Study with Adolescent Girls"
MPH & MSc Supervision
School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health 2015-
長崎大学大学院熱帯医学・グローバルヘルス研究科 2015-
Lead Supervisor
- Marin OHIRA 大平真鈴 [Oct. 2016-Sep.2018}
- MSc Thesis"Exploring a Community-based IntegratedCare System for the moderate-to-severely-disabled elderly to realize a life as they want: an analysis focusing on their ikigai and role in family and community"
- Tomomi IGARI 猪狩友美 [Oct. 2016-Sep.2018]
- MPH Thesis "Study of seeking treatment pathway anddecision making factors of patients with Buruli Ulcer and their caregiver in
Republic of Benin" - Sakiho YAMAZAKI 山崎咲歩 [Oct. 2018-Sep.2020]
- MPH Thesis "Perception of Teenage Pregnancy andFamily Planning Among Adolescents in Zambia"
- Rio HARADA 原田梨央 [Oct. 2021-Sep.2023]
- MPH Thesis "Case History Approach to UnintendedTeenage Pregnancy in Kericho County, Kenya"
- Publication "The reasons for and influences of unintended teenage pregnancy in Kericho county, Kenya: a qualitative study" in BMC Reproductive Health, 2024, Reproductive Health
- Yoshie HORIUCHI 堀内好恵 [Oct. 2021-Sep.2023]
- MPH Thesis "Health Status and Physical Activity ofOlder Persons in Dili, Timor-Leste: A Mixed Method Study Focusing on Blood
Pressure, BMI and Step-counts" - Jun YOSHICNO 吉野純 [Oct. 2021-Sep.2023]
- MPH Thesis "Investigating structural barriers ofself-management among Type2 diabetes patients in Majuro, The Republic of
Marshall Islands: A mixed method study" - Kanako KON 近佳菜子 [Oct. 2022-]
- MPH Thesis "MBarriers and facilitators fortreatment-seeking among women with genital fistula: A facility-based qualitative study in Bangladesh"
- Ayumi TANIGUCHI 谷口あゆみ [Oct.2023-]
- Mix method study of water-contact behavior in the rural village of Kwale in Kenya: Toward schistosomiasis elimination
- Ayuno KISHIMOTO 岸本鮎乃 [Oct.2023-]
- Exploring food practices and perception of food choices associated with non-communicable diseases among adolescents in Kericho, Kenya: a qualitative study
- Junko KURIHARA 栗原純子 [Oct.2023-]
- Needs and Barriers to healthcare and social support for children in street situations in Zambia: A qualitative study
- Saori FUKUI 福井沙織 [Oct.2024-]
Second Supervisor
- Shoko OGINO 荻野祥子 [Oct. 2015-Dec. 2017]
- MPH Thesis "Treatment - seeking behavior of 22deceased adults during one year prior to their deaths at Khong district,Champassak province, Lao PDR"
- Satomi ICHINO 市野紗登美 [Oct. 2015-Sep. 2017]
- MPH Thesis "Effect of different communication toolsfor health education: A study to examine factors affecting correct knowledgeacquiring in rural Madagascar"
- Chisato MASUDA 増田智里 [Oct. 2016-Sep. 2018]
- MPH Thesis "Evidence-based intrapartum practice andits associated factors at a tertiary teaching hospital in the Philippines, adescriptive mixed-methods study"
- Chisato Masuda, Shirley Kristine Ferolin, Ken Masuda, Chris Smith and Mitsuaki Matsui “Evidence-based intrapartum practice and its associated factors at a tertiary teaching hospital in the Philippines, a descriptive mixed-methods study” In BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 20, Article number: 78, https://rdcu.be/b1gS8
- Shoko NAMBA 難波祥子 [Oct. 2019-Sep.2021]
- MPH Thesis "Social and Behavioral FactorsAssociated with the Severity of Mycetoma in Sudan"
長崎大学大学院国際健康開発研究科 2008-2016
Graduate School of International Health Development 2008-2016
Lead Supervisor
- 尾崎里恵 Rie OZAKI [April 2008-MAr. 2010]
- MPH Thesis「多元的医療状況下における新生児ケア : バングラデシュ北西部の事例」(Neonatal healthcare under medical pluralism in Northwestern Bangladesh)
- 酒井浩子 Hiroko SAKAI [April 2008-MAr. 2010]
- MPH Thesis「バングラデシュ北東部、茶プランテーション・コミュニティにおける住民のマラリア予防と治療に関する認識と実践」(Perception and practice regarding malaria in a Tea-Plantation community in northeastern Bangladesh)
- 中原由美子 Yumiko NAKAHARA [April 2008-MAr. 2010]
- MPH Thesis「ケニア北東州ガリッサ県半定住牧畜民社会における、母親の子供の健康を促進する行動に関する研究」(A study on factors associated with mother’s behavior in promoting child health among the semi-nomadic community in Garissa District, North Eastern Kenya)
- 平野志穂 Shino HIRANO [Apr. 2009-Sep.2011]
- MPH Thesis "Local etiology and treatment seeking for malaria and other febrile illnesses: A medical anthropological study of Palawan, the Philippines"(マラリアと発熱疾患に関するローカルな病因論と治療希求行動:フィリピン、パラワンにおける医療人類学的研究)
- 上村知春 Chiharu KAMIMURA [Apr. 2010-Mar.2012]
- MPH Thesis「保健普及員による知識の伝達と住民の行動変容:エチオピア・アムハラ農村部における「有害な慣習」をめぐる人類学的研究」(“Harmful Traditional Practices” and Behavior Changes in Rural Amhara, Northwest Ethiopia.)
- Publication "Milk Teeth Extraction and Behavior Changes in Rural Amhara, Northwest Ethiopia", In Nilo-Ethiopian Studies, 20: 1-16, 2015 [https://doi.org/10.11198/niloethiopian.2015.20_1]
- 和田直美Naomi WADA [Apr. 2010-Sep.2012]
- MPH Thesis「ブルキナファソ村落部におけるマラリア治療選択とその文化的意味」(Treatment Choice for Malaria and its Cultural Implications in Rural Burkina Faso)
- 橋場文香 Fumika HASHIBA [Apr. 2011-Mar.2013]
- MPH Thesis "A study of home birth practice in the rural Amhara of Northern Ethiopia" (エチオピア農村部における自宅分娩慣行の研究)
- 後藤久美子 Kumiko GOTO [Apr. 2012-Mar.2014]
- MPH Thesis "Study of Road Traffic Accident and Vulnerable Road User along Dhaka-Chittagong National Highwayin Comilla, Banglaesh" (バングラデシュ・コミラ県、ダッカーチッタゴン幹線道路沿いにおける交通事故と脆弱な道路利用者の研究)
- 高原美貴 Miki TAKAHARA [Apr. 2013-Mar.2015]
- MPH Thesis "Local perceptions and care-seeking behavior concerning childhood pneumonia in the Biliran Province of the Philippines" (フィリピン共和国ビリラン州における小児肺炎の病気認識とケア希求に関する研究)
- 柳瀬奈央 Nao YANASE [Apr. 2013-Mar.2015]
- MPH Thesis "Challenges for the provision of equitable safe abortion services to socially vulnerable women in an urban area of Tigray region, Ethiopia: Analysis of abortion-seeking behavior" (エチオピア国ティグライ州都市部における社会的に脆弱な女性への公平かつ安全な中絶サービスの提供に関する課題:中絶希求行動の検討を中心として)
- 青木浩司 Koji AOKI [Apr. 2014-Mar.2016]
- MPH Thesis "カンボジア・プノンペンにおけるII型糖尿病患者のセルフマネジメントの促進に関する研究" (Promotion of self-management among type 2 diabetes patients in Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
Second Supervisor
- 宮本菜穂子 Nahoko MIYAMOTO [April 2008-Mar. 2010]
- MPH Thesis「フィジーにおける乳児の予防接種受診に影響する要因:保護者側の理由による遅れを中心に」 (Factors influencing the uptake of childhood immunization in Fiji : Special focus on postponement due to guardian – side reasons)
- 鶴岡美幸 TSURUOKA Miyuki [April 2009-Mar. 2011]
- MPH Thesis「ケニア西部ケリチョ県における新生児ケアと低体温リスク因子に関する観察研究」(An observational study of neonatal care and risk factors for neonatal hypothermia in Kericho, western Kenya)
- 折戸菜穂子 Nahoko ORITO [Apr. 2013-Mar.2015]
- MPH Thesis「ケニア共和国クワレ県における母親のBonding に関連する因子に関する研究」(Factors associated with the mother-child bonding: A cross-sectional study in Kwale, Kenya)
- 吉藤康太 Kota YOSHIFUJI [Apr. 2014-Mar.2016]
- MPH Thesis「ガーナ共和国キンタンポサウス郡における学校保健の実際と保健担当教師およびヘルスワーカーの連携に関する研究」(The current situation of school health education and collaboration between health teacher and health worker in Kintampo South District, Ghana)